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Free on 8th - 12th Jul 15
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Indulge In Your Passion For Beer Even More and Start Brewing Today!!

Q1>>Do you have an urge to do something more creative with your free time?

Q2>>Are you tired of drinking the same beer and want to try something new?

Q3>>Do you want to experience the taste of true beer flavor?

Have fun and enjoy great beer by learning how to home brew!

Beer has been brewed by man for thousands of years and is more popular now than ever. It’s so prevalent yet most people have no idea what beer contains; let alone how to brew it. We can let you into a secret – brewing beer is simple!! The content of this book is designed for the learner brewer and contains a tried and tested method of beer brewing to ensure that your first brew is a total success.

Avoid any mishaps or frustrations by following this step-by-step guide and you can look forward to opening a bottle of your own handcrafted beer in just a few weeks.

Don’t settle for over priced commercial beer. The best way to enjoy beer in its original and most delicious form is to brew it at home and you can save yourself money at the same time. After trying this European pale ale brew recipe you will never want a branded beer again. You can even tailor your beer so it’s exactly how you like it!

This guide contains everything that you need as a new brewer including: a full proof recipe, equipment list and an easy to follow step-by-step brewing guide. This book is packed with top tips to ensure that you get the most from your brew and allow you to adjust the flavour in accordance with your taste. What are you waiting for?…The sooner you start the sooner you will be enjoying that rewarding first beer!

Some things you will learn…

The Science: What is beer?Preparation is Key: Recipe & Equipment The Main Event: Lets make beer!Nearly there: Priming & BottlingQuick Review: Tips & TroubleshootingAnd Much More…

SCROLL UP & Download Your Copy Now!

★Limited Time Offer!★ – get this Amazon bestseller Today for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on any smart device

Don’t put it off any longer. Do yourself a huge favour and join the thousands of people who have realised that home brewing beer is the way forward.

If you really care about drinking great beer & click the “BUY” button NOW to get this book.

How To Order?

Scroll to the top of this page and select the “BUY” button for instant download. This offer won’t last forever

Tags: beer, brewing beer, brewing, homemade beer, lager beer, what is brewing, Brewing beer for dummies, ale beer, beer fermenting, beer bottling, yeast, hops, malt, home brewing, European style beer, beer recipe, beer contamination, brewer, How to make Beer, Tasting Beer, Wine Tasting, Wine Making, DIY, Ale making, wine, wine bottles, beer bottles, dinner party, beer pong

Free on 8th - 12th Jul 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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