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Free on 8th - 12th Jul 16
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Beer Tasting

You may think of beer as the beverage of inebriated college kids on the weekend, but this remarkable drink has a popularity that reaches from urban to rural, from industrialized to primitive, from adults to children (not in the US).

Beer is the second most consumed beverage after water. It is enjoyed all around the world. It is unique because of its refreshing taste. The alcohol content is not very high; but the exact amount depends on whether it is a strong beer or a premium beer. One of the leading producers of beers in the world is England. They started producing/consuming beer, during their seafaring days. Some of the other notable beer producing countries are Germany, Belgium and the United States, but it is produced all around the globe.

With such widespread use, beer has acquired a unique standing among beverages. There are so many different varieties, colors, flavors, and even ingredients that beer tasting can become a fascinating hobby.

As you read Beer Tasting: A Quick Guide to Beer Tasting and Choosing the Right Brew you will learn:

The history of beer making and tasting that reaches back millennia before biblical times.The color and flavor of various beers and how they are discernedFactors that influence the flavors and colors of beers from different areas of the worldHow to perfect the art and craft of beer tastingThe main elements of the beer tasting environmentHow to prepare your palate for beer tastingThe types and temperatures of glassware used in beer tastingHow to critique beer constructivelyThis book contains a glossary of terms used by beer tasters. As stated in the book, beer tasting is partly an art form, but also a skill that can be developed with careful attention to detail and experience. The book gives suggestions that will help even the casual beer drinker to better appreciate the beers currently available on the market.

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Then, you can enjoy this quick read, perhaps with a cold one in the other hand. Read Beer Tasting on your Kindle device, computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Free on 8th - 12th Jul 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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