Raising children is one of the most challenging and potentially rewarding experiences in life. Accordingly, thousands of individual skill sets go into a successful outcome. These nameless talents are normally passed down from mother to child in a beautiful, perpetuating circle. When this system is disrupted, the ripples spread with devastating dependability. This emotional and deeply personal journey of restoring the heart to motherhood cannot be gained through any college course.
TJ, author of Better Than Your Own Sh*tty Mom, was born into a home with an ineffective, thoughtless mother and knew growing up she wanted her family to be better. This book is the story of how, with the Savior’s merciful help, she fought to overcome a neglect filled childhood, including a teen pregnancy and time in foster homes, to become a dedicated, loving mother of her own children. Highlighted are the specific steps she took to become a better mother from the perspective of casting off victimhood. Hopefully most people are raised in happier homes; sadly, many come from even worse situations. For the former this book will reinforce already established patterns. For everyone else TJ presents a positive example to follow of learning specific traits which will strengthen the ties which hold our families together. This is a message of hope and faith in the chance for a wonderful family life, where the waves of love will be the new inheritance for future generations regardless of the past.
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