Big Deception is a novel metamorphosed from true – life story of a girl from wealthy family background, who married the boy that still virgin.
She was a victim of unjustifiable but deceptive physical and spiritual violent onslaught orchestrated by powerful global secret cult intent on defiling her. Defiling her would transform the fraternity into the most powerful cult on the surface of the earth and even beyond.
Somehow, the numerous disguised attempts to defile Angel, prior to her marriage to Austin fail, and all hell was let loose, culminating in a devious plan to debase her marriage, by desecrating her dignity as a married woman and as well exterminating her husband. This sets her infuriated Guardian Angels on warpath with the fraternity. Who wins, who loses and at whose expense? That is what you will find out as you get to the end of this novel.
His Island Bride (The Bride Series)
12 Hates of Christmas - Christmas in Snow Falls: A Christmas Romance
Crosscheck Cupid (Icy Hearts ~ Ice Hockey Romance)
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