
Free on 1st - 5th Jun 15
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Binge eating is gluttony at its finest and this disorder is one that’s created by habit. Break the HABIT and take back control of your life!

While it is one thing to stuff your self at the family Thanksgiving celebration, to go on a binge during everyday activities and to do it often is a nasty habit and one as deadly as smoking that pack a day. Obesity, diabetes, heart failure, elevated cholesterol, weight gain: these are just some of the physical side effects of binge eating. When you let food become your drug, as binge eaters do, it eats you alive.

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to break the habit of binge eating. Following these 7 steps will greatly improve your chances of eliminating this habit and living a long healthy life.

No habit begins over night and so no habit will change itself this quickly either. Each of the seven steps takes time and focus to but when you are done, your body and your psyche will think you. So without further a due, here are the seven steps.

1. Identify the Source

2. Start Slowly

3. Find a Healthy Replacement

4. Phone a friend

5. Switch out the Dish

6. Add in a Pinch of Exercise

7. Check Yourself Before you Wreck Yourself


Free on 1st - 5th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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