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10 Mysterious Accounts Of True Paranormal Hauntings, Vanishing People, Creepy Unexplained Phenomena And The Unknown

Today only, get this e-book for just $2.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Have you ever wondered what dangers loom out there in the cold and vast expanse of the cosmos? What beings live amongst us in this universe that we call our own? Maybe they are searching for us too or waiting for us to discover them so that we can exchange knowledge and make this universe a better place for all living creatures.

Or maybe these beings lie in wait and arbitrarily emerge from oblivion to wreak havoc on the unlucky and unsuspecting humans that cross their paths? Maybe we are not alone in this universe, maybe our souls do continue to live on after death.

Perhaps certain areas of this Earth contain portals to the world of the unknown – a world that holds a powerful mystique that no mortal has ever ventured into and come out the same… if they do come out at all.

Join me as we explore various episodes of true paranormal hauntings, vanishing people, creepy unexplained phenomena and the unknown. This book is not for the faint of heart as it contains accounts of various inexplicable occurrences that can only be attributed to the world beyond.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Bizarre True Stories – The Man in the Green PajamasBizarre True Stories – Alan and the Ouija BoardBizarre True Stories – The Disappearance of an Entire British BattalionBizarre True Stories – Blips in Time #1Bizarre True Stories – Blips in Time #2: The Chilean AbductionBizarre True Stories – The Adventures of Owen ParfittBizarre True Stories – The Bennington TriangleBizarre True Stories – The Nanny, the Daughter and their Strange Disappearance into the Other WorldMuch, much more!

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$2.99! If you love scary, weird and just plain crazy stories about the most bizarre things that have happened on this planet, download this book now!

Tags: bizarre true stories, true paranormal hauntings, true ghost stories and hauntings, unexplained phenomena, true ghost stories, true paranormal, true paranormal stories, haunted houses, haunted asylums,

Free on 5th - 7th May 24
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