Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 23rd - 24th Jan 18
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Are you ready for the Blind Prophet, Episode 4?
No, really, seriously? Are you ready?

Because this is the Episode that FREAKS PEOPLE OUT!

And that freak-out is what we call…
The Blind Prophet Experience!
But, you can’t really jump in at Episode 4 and understand what’s going on, so if you haven’t already, get started on Blind Prophet, Episode 1: A Prophet Is Born for FREE
So, what is the Blind Prophet experience?
Blind Prophet is a graphic novel published in 7 episodes that spooks people. And Episode 4, well that’s the episode that does it. Readers ask, Could this be real?

Reviews have said things like:

“It most certainly does not pull any punches…”
“In all honestly this book really shook me up…”
“…this book is scary because it could happen.”

So what is it about Blind Prophet, Episode 4: The Great Demon Of Pride that unnerves people?
Well, we just don’t want to spoil it for you, but if you were a demon, and you were tempting a president, well, you might go big, now wouldn’t you?
Oh, but demons don’t tempt presidents! Or, do they?

Seriously, don’t read Episode 4 if you don’t want to consider the possibility that a president might be tempted to do horrible things…

But, if that’s not a problem for you, get the experience! Jump in on Episode 4, as the story gets mind-bending!
Hit that buy button, NOW!
But, only if you’re ready…

Not quite ready? Okay, check this out…
Have you ever wondered what would happen if…
oMembers of the government were under the influence of demons?

oThe demons were influencing the members of the government to intentionally provoke a revolt among the people of the United States?

oA young, blind, autistic boy became aware of the demons’ influence and plans?

Blind Prophet is the story of a blind and autistic piano prodigy who gains the power to peer into the spiritual realm, where demons tempt and angels defend.

In Episode 4, The Great Demon Of Pride, Daniel gains more incite into the demons’ plans, culminating in a series of terrifying visions, which he experiences as he performs for the President.

Check out our new kind of hero as he encounters for the first time the Great Demon of Pride, and its horrific plans for the future of the United States!

Special Note From The Author…
Hello! My name is Joseph Cillo, Jr., the creator and writer of Blind Prophet.
A word of warning about Blind Prophet, Episode 4: The Great Demon Of Pride:
Episode 4 rattles people, so if you don’t like to be rattled, don’t read it!

The long arc of the slow building Blind Prophet story reaches a peak in Episode 4, as our hero is in the right place, with the right power, to influence people to take action against the demon’s plans. The drama becomes, will anyone listen to the blind, autistic kid?

Welcome to Blind Prophet!

What are people saying about Blind Prophet?

“In all honestly this book really shook me up….this book is scary because it could happen.” –neo-examiner.com

“It most certainly does not pull any punches…It is quite a bit different from anything I have read before. The first teen I showed it to said, ‘This is awesome.'” –Richard Lee Bruce

“This is a comic book that deserves more attention… It dives into religion but even being agnostic it doesn’t bother me. It makes you wonder if there are two sides making you choose between good and evil.” –Escaping Reality, itsanescape.com

Welcome to Blind P

Free on 23rd - 24th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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