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This is easy guide on how you can increase your Confidence and Self-Esteem and you can grab it now for a limited amount of time at a promotional price or you can get it for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Are you lacking the Confidence to achieve what you want in life? You have a problem with Self Esteem and other issues which prevent you from obtaining what do you want?

If you have struggled with this kind of problems in the past, then this is the right book for you. You will learn how to overcome these pesky problems. Through this book I will guide you in the journey you want to take and I can ensure you I will provide the best advice so you will achieve your goals.

This book introduces the art of power posing, the science behind it and its key dynamics. It shows you why Body Language is important to your self-esteem, self-confidence, social influence, career progression, successful business entrepreneurship and leadership. The book also lays out simple yet powerful proven strategies and techniques that you can easily employ in your daily life to perfect your power posing and thus optimize your power posing benefits.

Honing your body language to optimize your power posing effect is not such an obvious adventure. Power posing with negative body language is like strategically positioning a crooked package in front of customers. Instead of it drawing them onto the product, it repels them away. This book explores such negative body language and shows you how to avoid it. Positive body language is what you need for an effective power pose.

There are immense lifetime benefits that you would gain should you master the art of power posing and employ it effectively. This book identifies and explores the following key benefits to your favor:

-more confidence and self-esteem

-an inspired inner self

-unmistakable leadership prowess

-a formidable social standing

-indomitable negotiation power

-a rewarding career

Lastly, but not least, the book closes with 10 powerful tips to keep on your fingertips so as to make power posing your everyday success

So what are you waiting you can get the results you need? Make this book your first step to gain Confidence and Self Esteem with just one click.

I really think this book will help and I will assume your results as my personal success. Also, I would like to improve it, so you can write a review with pro and cons and if you find it useful share it whit you dear ones. So collect your copy now and start reading!

Check out what others are saying about it

“After watching a Ted talk on the power of body language and then reading this book, I have noticed people acting differently towards me at work. They treat me with more respect and are eager to hear what I have to say. Wish I discovered this earlier.”

So don’t forget “self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment” – Maxwell Maltz

Free on 8th Aug 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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