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Free on 13th - 17th Mar 17
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Discover How To Exactly Master on How To Connect, Influence, Attract, Analyze, and Read Anyone Using Non-Verbal Communication

Think of all our best actors and actresses. What is it exactly that makes them “best”? They are masters of both voice and body language! They are masters of vocal communication and communicating via their entire body. With every new character they portray, their verbal and nonverbal communication via their body changes – often dramatically.

There are other actors about whom we say, “There he goes, playing himself again.” My guess is that we really mean his use of his voice and his body is static, immobile, and inflexible. He gives us the same character in every film he does. Because he gives us the only voice he knows and uses the only body language he knows – his own.

Remember all those police procedural TV shows and films that you have seen. All those detective novels that you have read. The best detectives portrayed in them are masters at reading voice inflections, facial tics, and overall body language of the suspect. In real life, whole careers are made on an individual’s ability to not only read the voice and the body language of the bad guy – but to be right about their interpretations. Interviewers, interrogators, and profilers have mastered the interpretation of nonverbal communication of others. This helps them catch out the liars or detect when someone is holding back information or perhaps protecting another person.

And what about those public speakers who have you on the edge of your chair, your mouth hanging open or your eyes wide? Are you spellbound only from the words they are saying? Absolutely not! Their nonverbal communication is part of that whole package they are giving you. How they walk the stage. What they do with their hands and arms. How they bend or stretch their body or reach out. Their facial expressions as they speak. It’s all a package deal to become what their public calls “a charismatic speaker.”

There is really no way around it: The most successful, influential individuals are masters not only of the spoken word but of body language. They use nonverbal skills of their own – but also a bang-on interpretation of yours – to get things done by persuading you to seek them out, hear them out, do things for or with them and buy their gizmos. They are influential because they give you what you need in the way your own body language says you need it. They get along with most everyone since they read you correctly and adapt to you (rather than demanding the reverse).

Throughout this book, you will find sections entitled Do It. I will be giving you the opportunity to be that actor or that profiler or that charismatic spellbinder who is calling on his ability to read and understand as well as use body language.

Here Is The Overview Of The Lessons You Will Learn

How Gestures Speaks VolumesBody Language and Traveler CultureReading North American Body LanguageAttracting Others or Distancing YourselfInfluencing OthersSuccess with Body LanguageAnd Much More..

Let’s master our Body Language!

Free on 13th - 17th Mar 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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