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Free on 26th - 28th Oct 13
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Pages: 306

Like his hometown, Malcolm Thorne is dying. Suffering from lung cancer, the doctors have given him little hope for recovery. Now Malcolm is faced with the decision of living out his final days among what remains of his family and friends, or leaving his hometown behind as he had always wished to do. This choice is swiftly taken from him when the town is hit by a powerful blizzard. However, there is more to fear from this storm than the unforgiving snow and ice. . .

From deep within the woods, the spores of an infectious mold are carried by the winds to the doorsteps of every living person in this tightly-knit community. The townspeople quickly come to learn that breathing in the spores results in a horrifying sickness. . . While the bodies of the infected begin to break down and liquefy internally, the mold leaves the infected in a state of euphoria, essentially rendering them as a horde of giggling zombies.

Now Malcolm must hide his illness, lest he be mistaken for one of the infected. Working with the community, Malcolm tries save as many people as he can. Opposing his efforts is Dr. Avery, the town physician. Out of his depth, Dr. Avery tries to protect the healthy from the sick, eventually turning to cruel methods. A struggle over power and ideals ensues between Malcolm and the good doctor, as the town that they both grew up in descends into anarchy.

Free on 26th - 28th Oct 13
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