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Free on 9th - 13th Mar 14
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The book “Breast Cancer Causes, Symptoms, Stages, and Treatment Guide: Cure Breast Cancer With A Positive Outlook” will give you more information on cancer and how to positively deal with it. It will not give you the cause of cancer as it is impossible to but it will try to help you identify the activities you can avoid to prevent cancer.

This book will also give you a description of what to expect when someone suffers from breast cancer. The symptoms are enumerated into easily identifiable descriptions. The process by which a lump can be detected is also included.

Once the symptoms are seen or felt, the reader will have an idea on what stage the cancer is currently in, assuming that any symptoms are actually found. Although only a doctor can discuss and confirm breast cancer staging, reading about it beforehand allows you to focus on what the doctor is saying. You can ask more questions about the disease from your doctor during consultations.

Getting informed on the possible treatments can also give you a better strategy on what you can choose. Some doctors might recommend only a number of treatments. Knowing about other forms of treatment allow you to discuss its possible application to you.

Another important chapter in the book discusses how people diagnosed with breast cancer can cope. Sometimes the simplest solutions become even harder when we are under a lot of stress. Knowing what to do beforehand prepares you psychologically and socially.

There is no amount of preparation that can get you ready for a diagnosis of breast cancer. Fear is commonly the initial response. Fear is then followed by thoughts of being unable to control the direction of your life. It can be followed by anger, possibly bargaining, and depression as you have lost something in your life.

After dealing with the psychological effects of being diagnosed, a breast cancer patient has to deal with the physiological effects of the treatment. The most common form of treatment includes removing the breast. A person has to deal with the changes the removal can bring. Also, the side effects of the treatment need to be dealt with.

The book allows you to channel your energy towards doing what you can and doing what you must. This decreases your anxiety and feeling of helplessness. Control is regained by doing what you can about the disease. These are all included in the book. Moreover, knowing the side effects of the treatment allows you to anticipate and request from your doctor the options or reliefs for each side effect.

Having breast cancer cannot be controlled but how you react and how you handle the disease is your greatest weapon against it. Feeling defeated before you identify what you can do is wrong. Allow this book to educate you about the number of ways you can win.

This book serves not only those with breast cancer but also those who have loved ones with the disease. It allows them to understand breast cancer and how to positively deal with it. In addition it aids them in effectively dealing with the breast cancer patient.

Finally other breast cancer victims can represent you or anyone you love. Do not think that cancer will exclude you or any of the people close to you. Be informed about breast cancer and how you can become a survivor. Know the symptoms to look out for, the modifiable factors, the staging, and the treatment. Improve the ways you can deal with breast cancer. Save yourself from regret and read the book.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer causes, breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer stages, breast cancer treatment, breast cancer guide, causes of breast cancer, symptoms of breast cancer, stages of breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, signs of breast cancer, lump in breast, breast lumps, breast examination, breast cancer facts, causes of breast cancer, what is brea

Free on 9th - 13th Mar 14
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