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Free on 25th - 27th May 16
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Buddhism is more than a religious concept!

Buddhism is is essentially hailed to be a ‘way of life’ which aims at helping people gain a deeper understanding of how things are to be tackled and dealt with. The word Buddhism finds its root in ‘budhi’ which means to awaken.

It is believed that the origin of Buddhism dates back to nearly 2500 years ago when Siddhartha Gautama learned the ideals of enlightenment at a young age of 35.

In this book, we are going to talk about the different ideals of Buddhism and the key principles which you should implement for the sake of deriving the best set of benefits. This, in turn, will help you deal with the different adversities of life in an apt manner.

Buddhism is becoming hugely popular even in most western countries because it seems to have answers to most of the materialistic problems which the world is facing. So, all those who are looking to get familiar and acquainted with the different dynamics of Buddhism and embrace this new principle should make it a point to go through the different details we will be sharing in this book.

Buddhism believes in the ideals of peace and spiritual development of the inner soul. So, are you all set for this journey of the inner soul which involves awakening, enlightenment, peace, and tranquility?

Free on 25th - 27th May 16
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