Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 25th - 29th Aug 16
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The bulletproof diet explains how to use the foods you can buy yourself at the store. It just explains how to use them properly.

The Bulletproof diet allows you to eat a variety of foods. That you can eat the foods many diets prohibit within reason. This allows you to stick to the diet because you are not feeling deprived. We all have tried the other diets; let’s face it they simply never work. The reason is you are told to avoid something completely; Such as white sugar. The bulletproof diet allows all food to be eaten in small doses. It explains when it is best to consume foods and which foods are best consumed in the right order.

This is what gives you the boost of energy that stays constant throughout your day. It keeps the afternoon lull away so you can concentrate better. As well as keeping that midday hunger away by giving you a snack you enjoy. It allows you to eat in between meals without feeling guilty. This keeps you from over eating during meal times.

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Tags: bulletproof diet cookbook, bulletproof diet for women, bulletproff diet smoothies, weight loss, lose weight

Free on 25th - 29th Aug 16
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