Pac is a ‘weed killer’ of the economy: a financial promoter whose business mission is to visit and eliminate apparently harmless micro-economic enterprises which are considered a potential threat to the interests of the global market. The destruction of these small enterprises is to be achieved by various swindles aimed at smothering them in debt, or at gaining their control.
Pac is firmly convinced that the world as we know it is about to collapse, and that we are about to face the inevitable Apocalypse. This conviction is inspired by numerous signs of the End of Time which he believes to be unequivocal, and which induce him to accelerate his escape plan, i.e. the construction of what ancient Indian texts refer to as a ‘vimana’ – a small space ship. To this end he contacts Samuel, an obscure procurer of contraband aerospace devices and equipment of whom he knows nothing, except his telephone number.
But when Samuel contacts him to say that he has been kidnapped by rebel Maoists on a Nepalese mountain, Pac finds himself obliged to return where he’s only recently concluded an operation, thereby wreaking havoc on his escape plans, entering into a friendly relationship with a yak, and being exposed to the ravings of a self-proclaimed reincarnated divinity. Meanwhile the end of the world approaches, and Oscar continues to live in a cave.
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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