Writer Laura Lipari loves to share her faith with children in a wonderfully entertaining style. The 102-year-old author is a retired high school teacher and adjunct college professor. Ms. Lipari originally wrote her bible story series, Grandma Shares Her Faith, when she was 92 years-old. She read her manuscript to hundreds of elementary school students in Ohio. Teachers, students, friends, priests, and bishops encouraged her to get her book published. This 10th Anniversary Edition is a delightful rendition of the original series. In Book 1: Adam and Eve, the author writes about how God created the world. She tells the story with her sense of humor as she also introduces us to some interesting characters, including the antics of her grandchildren. Included in the series are her charming pets, Gabby the parrot, Chompers the dog, and Princess the cat. The book is illustrated by Nancy Ladd.
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