
Free on 4th - 8th Aug 14
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Discover How to Cure your Cancer with Kombucha Tea and Achieve Permanent Health and Wellness in your Life

Today Only! Get this Kindle Book for only $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read it on your PC, MAC, smart phone, tablet, or Kindle Device

Your about to discover the power that Kombucha has in the prevention and curing of cancer. By purchasing this book you will be attaining that power yourself to achieve permanent health and wellness in your life. Millions of people have been diagnosed with cancer and suffer its debilitating effects on a daily basis. For it is an insidious disease that not only ravages the body, but also ones finances with the necessary doctor’s visits and the purchasing of numerous medications. Everyone knows how absolutely devastating being diagnosed with cancer can be, because it has been a primary killer for a long time. However, there is something that has been around much longer than cancer and is even reported to be able to cure it and/or even prevent it that not many people are aware of. That ancient and powerful thing is Kombucha. The name may sound humorous and alien, but its effects on cancer are no joke, and it is definitely something that you want to be a familiar friend in your cancer diet.

Knowledge is power after all, and the knowledge about Kombucha contained in this book can provide you with the power to combat your cancer by learning how to add it in the arsenal of your cancer diet. By learning about a natural remedy such as Kombucha, you will be using a natural method to tackle your cancer. For often if we truly want lasting and permanent change in our lives we have to change the methods by which we attempt to do things. After all doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Here is a Preview of What You’ll Learn…

  • What Kombucha is and why it is good for your health
  • How Kombucha is manufactured and how you can use it at home
  • What is the science behind the effectiveness of Kombucha
  • How it fights off cancer and also makes sure that there is no remission
  • Some delicious recipes on how you can incorporate Kombucha in your cancer diet
  • And much more!
  • Download your Copy Today!

    Take action today toward overcoming your cancer and achieving permanent health and wellness in your life by downloading this book for a limited time discount of $0.99!

    Download Today!

    Tags: cancer free, cancer ward, cancer step outside the box, cancer is a fungus, cancer diet, cancer cure, natural cancer cure, natural cures, natural cure, cancer books, cancer book, tropic of cancer, anti cancer cure, anti cancer, anti cancer books, anti cancer diet, anti cancer diets, anti cancer book, anti cancer diet, anti cancer food, anti cancer foods, detox, cleanse, detox cleanse, detoxification, detox diet, cleanse diet, cleanse and detox your body, cleanse your body, cleanse body, probiotic tea, probiotic recipes, probiotic drinks, natural cures, natural remedies, anti cancer treatments, anti cancer information, kombucha tea, kombucha simplified, kombucha book, kombucha recipes, cures they don’t want you to know about, natural cures they don’t want you to know about, cancer step outside the box

Free on 4th - 8th Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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