
Free on 28th - 29th Mar 15
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Maggie and Tom are so happy. They are a young couple who are about to have their firstborn son. They have been looking forward to that date for a long time. But unfortunately what follows is a miscarriage, when their son is born dead.

The great trial starts when the weak Tom can’t console Maggie in her agony after their son’s death. Months go by, and she is still depressed and the doctor decides to send her to a hospital for treatment. Tom is ruined. He starts fighting for his wife’s life, looking for answers to his questions and a solution to that problem. As God listens to Tom’s prayers, He shows him the path to a Christian church, where God’s love reigns, and the people, together with the leaders, demonstrate Christ’s heart to Tom. He gets healed gradually, and he looks after Maggie and starts going regularly to church services and other activities.

Maggie is really problematic now and then, but Tom doesn’t give up. He prays for her and cares for her, letting other believers reach her heart. Demons start departing after they see they cannot have access to that godly family. God blesses them in their everyday life for their faithfulness.

Free on 28th - 29th Mar 15
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