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Start Your Prayer-Powered Life Revival Today!

I hope you come to realize now, like I did, that you’ve been thinking too small and limiting the amount of God’s wealth and abundance that can and will enter your life.

You can now have a degree of clarity and focus that makes you feel attuned to what God’s purposes for your life are. This will allow you to operate in a place where you are truly and genuinely 100% you and 100% present in the moment while being the person God wants you to be and allowing yourself to be used by him to change the world we live in.

You can and will (if you follow the advice in this book) start to feel like you are on fire and in a permanent state of “flow”. It will feel like you’ve been possessed by God and just need to step out of his way and let him do absolutely amazing things—things you could never do yourself—and start fulfilling a dream so big for your life that only God himself can make it happen.

You will be your only limitation if you let your “self” or your ego get in the way of what he has planned. I want you to commit to God to never again allow yourself to operate at the ground level of life. Instead, you will only operate in a place where you are flying high in the clouds on God’s coattails. You’ll have a significant impact on humanity by being 100% present at all times and 100% surrendered to the fact that God is your source and supply and guides you in all your steps, if you’ll let him. That is what living a Vital Christian’s life is all about…living with Christian Vitality.

Imagine what your life will be like when you’ve reached that level of awareness, synchronicity, and oneness with God the Father–when you truly feel in-step with God, the Creator, the Sustainer of the whole universe. Imagine having a powerful, empowering daily encounter with God, being flooded with a feeling of being blessed, and having confidence that God is laying out the steps you need to take on a daily basis…literally directing your path. It’s a place of freedom to be 100% you while God is 100% in charge. The level of gratitude you’ll feel will be overwhelming.

I think every believer wants to be that close to God, and if they had even a small taste of it, they would never want anything else.

The secret to having these powerful experiences is what this book is all about—laying out the foundation in prayer and affirmation so that you, too, can obtain this and become the empowered believer God wants you to be. The believer that deep down in your soul you thirst to become…that you need to become.

Purchase…Read…Experience A Life Revival Today!

Free on 29th Dec 16
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