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Clean Eating Easy Recipe Cookbook and Guide to 15 Days of Total Healthy Living
Most people consume a diet full of refined grains, sugars, and saturated fats that clog up their arteries, make them feel sluggish, and decimate their bodies.
If you’ve been consuming a pretty dirty diet your entire life then it’s hard to figure out where to get started, that’s where this book comes in.
Starting a new habit can be hard, but if you have the knowledge to keep going after you’ve finished this fifteen-day meal plan, then you can keep going for the rest of your life!
But remember, even if you eat a candy bar on day four, you can still go back to eating clean and healthy.
The important part of this book is not the book itself, but your mindset when you dive into this new diet.
Don’t think of eating that candy bar as a failure, but think of it as a reminder for to why you need to eat healthy the following day.
We all make mistakes; the importance is to learn from them and move past them.
Just because you make a commitment to eat clean and healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have the occasional piece of cake at the office party; just make sure to eat a salad that night with plenty of vegetables packed full of fiber to make up for it!
This book contains clean eating steps, strategies, and recipes on how to keep healthy for fifteen days. Here’s the type of clean eating you can expect to read in this book…
What Is Clean Eating?Clean Eating Meal PlanDelicious, Clean BreakfastsRaw Lunch RecipesDelightful Dinner Recipesand lots more!
Get yourself back with health and start feeling good with this clean eating guide! Download the Kindle now! For a limited of time this book is only for .99 cents.