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Clean Eating Guide and Clean Eating Cookbook

25 Delicious Clean Eating Recipes

Healthy Food Cookbook and Eat Clean Diet book

Clean Eating For Dummies

The difference between your food’s natural state and what winds up on your plate is getting bigger every day. Manufacturers are adding high fructose corn syrup to everything from spaghetti sauce and bread to roasted nuts and yogurt. Artificial preservatives are present in almost everything, whether canned or not. Conventionally grown vegetables are sprayed with harsh, harmful pesticides. Livestock are treated with hormones to force unnatural growth, and large amounts of antibiotics to counteract the maladies that arise from factory farming conditions. All of this ends up on your plate.

With the rise of these practices, the world has seen skyrocketing rates of obesity and cancer. According to Livestrong, obesity rates have risen 214% from their levels in 1950. Colon cancer is up 60% in the same timeframe, heavily linked to an increase in red meat consumption. The cost of this is enormous– not only to the sufferers of these diseases, but also to taxpayers.

Lax regulation and corporate lobbying have enabled companies to bypass common sense restrictions, using unquestionably harmful chemicals on, in, and around your food.

In this book, I’m going to present you with an alternative. I’ll show you how to improve your health, lose weight, and eat sensibly. By the time you’re finished reading, you’ll have all the tools required to make the easy, infinitely beneficial transition to real clean eating.

In Chapter 1, “What is Clean Eating?”, I’ll be defining clean eating as it’s presented in this book, and highlighting the difference between minimally processed and conventionally processed food.

The second chapter, “Stocking Your Kitchen”, will give you information about the essentials to keep in your home, from fruits and vegetables to pantry staples and spices. I’ll give you tips on healthy oils and alternatives to things you might buy now. I’ll show you how to bring your plate to life, enhancing and augmenting the natural deliciousness of fruits, vegetables, and meat.

Chapter 3, “Health Benefits”, will break down the immediate health benefits of transitioning to a clean diet. There, I’ll be presenting the nutritional differences between conventional products and their clean alternatives.

In Chapter 4, “Sourcing Your Ingredients”, you’ll be shown the process of finding whole ingredients. From the farmer’s market to the grocery store, with a little diligence you can find and purchase whole, even home-grown fruits and vegetables.

Chapter 5, my favorite chapter, is “25 Delicious Recipes for Every Meal” I’m going to share some of my favorite recipes with you

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Free on 1st - 5th Feb 16
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