
Free on 26th - 30th Aug 17
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Do you ever feel like your head was about to explode?

Or that the flow of thoughts running through your mind are so disturbing and overwhelming that you just want to go to sleep for a full week?
I used to feel like this most of the time…

We cannot let feeling stressed rule our lives, even if everyone around us and even society itself is trying to convince us that stress is so normal and natural. It’s not, and you undeniably can live your life without it. And truly, you can live a better life and become a better version of yourself without it. You can be more peaceful, more open, more creative, and calmer in a deeper sense. And the good news is that if I did it then you absolutely can too!

That’s why I’ve written this practical handbook. It’s not your typical self-help guide because it’s a book based on experience, my experience. Consider it like a compilation of my best advices for real life and some down to earth tricks to help you become a better version of yourself, something that you may have been striving for.
The mind is beautiful. It helps us create, imagine, plan for the future, and we keep using it to judge, control, and generate thoughts that hurt us on a daily basis. It can seem difficult to stop and avoid these patterns if you’ve done them unconsciously for all of that time… until today.

What will you get from this book?

A plan to declutter your mind from all the things that no longer serves you
Tips and tricks to stop caring about every little thing and focus on what is important in each part of your life
Support to help you overcome your guilt and let go of your stress
Techniques to access your peace of mind each and every day
Questions to help you figure out what you should focus on
A systematic approach to assist you in recovering your creativity and productivity

Don’t let the world get a hold on you!

Take care of your health and your mind now! It’s been too long already.

Change isn’t easy, but it can be simple. It can be as simple as reading one book.

Order your copy now and let’s get started!

Free on 26th - 30th Aug 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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