
Free on 17th - 19th Apr 14
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Battling a series of life-threatening illnesses, and coming face to face with death, a man whispers his last will and testament into his smartphone. His final heartbreak is that his life’s work, a new kind of social network called the Sphere, might die with him. The Sphere is a possible cure for the “soul cancer” that plagues humanity. Technology and Love are moving in opposite directions and the purpose of the Sphere is to unite them, to show how social networking can be an instrument of Agape, of unconditional Love. Included in this edition are over 100 links to live, working Spheres—where you can create your intentions in a community of supportive Lightworkers.

Here is an excerpt:

If you’ll journey with me, I’ll take you to the mountaintop of Love. I’ll take you to a place where they found the cure for the most common cold of all—a cold heart.

On the mountaintop of Love, you cannot hold grudges, cannot hate, cannot judge, cannot condemn, cannot despise. The oxygen of Love runs so deep and wide in your veins that you would give anything for it, even your life, so that others can have it, too.

On the mountaintop of Love, you feel the pain of every bird, every butterfly, every sentient being. You want to hug every child, comfort every soldier, uplift every widow and orphan.

On the mountaintop of Love, you maintain your gratitude even when the world is biting your heart out, tearing you into pieces. This is when you inspire others. You remind them that their lives matter. That the trappings of ego, of stardom, of worldly success are just an illusion. That to be alive—to be a spec of stardust beholding stardust, and to Love other specs along the way—is the greatest reward.

Free on 17th - 19th Apr 14
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