In the year 2264, a meteor strikes Earth with such force that it nearly eliminates all living inhabitants. All technology is lost within the rubble of the planet’s destruction, wiping our slate clean. After over 250 years, the planet begins to resemble a vague shadow of it’s former self which now embodies that of 1000 years into the past.
Currently, the eastern area of the world is in turmoil at the hands of a tyrannical government known simply as the Empire. An Empire of murderers, rapists, thieves, and corrupt politics. After years of suffering under the rule of the imperials a new light begins to shine through the black clouds of hatred: a resistance known to the people as “The Returners.”
The Bald Princess and Other Tales (Ariele's Fairy Tales Book 1)
Disrupting Destiny (Book 1 Naturae Series): A magical realism historical fantasy adventure, set in T...
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