The human race’s lack of care for their world finally leads to its destruction. A scientist, wanting to preserve something of earth’s past, sends a ship filled with eggs into a remote galaxy, where exposure to radiation causes the eggs to hatch into intelligent hens and roosters. Forming a world called EggEarth, the birds create a peaceful society, until crime rears its ugly head. A law enforcement organization called “The Eggency” is set up to keep the peace. All is well until a crazed hen, convinced that hens are disrespected, forms a worldwide organization to overthrow the government, placing herself as absolute ruler. It is up to Cluck, the best undercover agent in the world, to stop her from her plan of world domination…if his overconfidence doesn’t get the best of him first.
Revival (The Variant Series Book 1)
Riding With James Dean
Prince of Frogs (Curse of the Dark Kingdom Book 1)
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