
Free on 23rd - 27th Feb 14
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The Original Coconut Oil Recipe Book, Now On Kindle

Delicious Recipes and Applications of Coconut Oil To Reduce Hair Loss, Lower Cholesterol, Lose Weight and Much More

Lauch Special: Today only, get this Kindle Book for just $0.99, before the price goes back up to $4.99.

Dear friend,

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest foods on planet Earth. Having done extensive research on its countless applications and effects, I today believe it to be essential to any healthy household. The benefits of coconuts have been known by the Tokelauan people for a thousand years. These islanders in the South Pacific get most of their daily nutrients from coconuts and thus consume more saturated fats than anyone else in the world. Yet they are built like Olympic athletes. Among them, heart disease, diabetes, allergies and other modern diseases of civilization are unheard of.

In the Coconut Oil Nutrition Book, you will tap into the secret of the Pacific islanders and learn how to use coconut oil to lower cholesterol, lower the risk of heart disease, reduce hair loss and lose weight simply by incorporating into your diet.

Tap Into The Secret Of The Pacific

Here is a brief overview of what’s covered:

  • Why coconut oil is so beneficial
  • 30 delicious coconut oil recipes for your health
  • 130 applications of coconut oil other than cooking
  • Which type of coconut oil to buy and where to get it
  • How to use coconut oil to protect your hair and reduce hair loss
  • Why our ancestors didn’t get heart disease or diabetes
  • Why the saturated fats of coconuts are good
  • Why most of our normal food is bad for us
  • A lot more!

I was introduced to coconuts and coconut oil by a Tokelauan man about 20 years ago. It was an epiphany in my life, as the secret of truly good nutrition was laid out in front of me. Back then, my family was overweight, and I was a chubby kid. Today, I’m a health coach and Kung Fu practitioner.

Would You Like To Know More?

Grab this book and join thousands of people that have used this knowledge to lose weight and live healthy lives. Today only, get this book for a discount of $0.99!

Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button before it’s too late!


Tags: coconut oil, coconuts, coconut oil recipes, coconut oil miracle, hair loss, heart disease, cholesterol, lower cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid, weight loss, diet, nutrition

Free on 23rd - 27th Feb 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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