Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 16th - 20th Jan 18
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Do you want to participate in the investigation of one of the most mysterious crimes?

Together with the private detective Kevin Kris, you are being waited for by amazing adventures, interesting puzzles and unexpected twists.

The corpse of a millionaire collecting antiques is found in New York on the eve of a major auction. The last thing he saw in the darkness seconds before his death was a certain Man-With-No-Face. Is it a man or a ghost? Is he capable of causing paralyzing fear and death by his appearance? Is he the embodiment of Chimera, the ancient Greek monster?

Following in the tracks of the Man-With-No-Face the detective finds out about the stolen precious locket and a secret project under the codename “Chimera”. How are these connected? Does the locket have a mystical curse or is it a fiction?

Are you ready to become the detective team member? Download the adventure thriller “Codename “Chimera”. The investigation begins right away!

Free on 16th - 20th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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