
Free on 23rd - 27th Jul 17
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Dear parents!

Who of us has dreamed that his child would become a known actor, a famous artist, a world sportsman, or a great scientist? Everyone, I think.
That’s why we have been investing so much energy and resources in the upbringing and education of our children since childhood. And we want our investments to bring their “fruits”. One of the most important skills in a modern world is the ability to create and think creatively. However, we don’t live in a black and white World in the literal and figurative sense of the word. If you want your child to feel creative as “a fish in the water”, he must be able to work with color at a high professional level. It is important from the first years of his “creative career” give him correct knowledge and skills in the world of color and shades.

Why this book?
Yes, there are many mixing color’s books for children, however, this (the book) is unique in a certain sense. This is an exciting fairy tale, and a full textbook, and complete tutorial with a set of simple and understandable tasks and exercises for the child.
In addition, the methodology described, confirmed by five years classes with children in my art school, and results are amazing. Children, like the “sponge”, absorb new knowledge and skills, and discover the complex color’s world with pleasure, especially in a fairy-tale game form.
That’s why I believe that children can be introduced into the world of color from four to five years. The child with pleasure perceives and assimilates hard material in a simple and understandable language of game situations and fairy associations.

What is inside?
Inside the real Color Theory and rules of mixing shades, in the interesting fairy-tale form. Simple and understandable tasks and exercises help understand the child complex theoretical material in practice. In the final of the book are control tests.
The book opens a series of five issues “Theory of Color for kids”, which divided into 5 levels. At the first level, the child meets basic and additional colors, mixing primary color’s rules, and formulas for additional shades obtaining.
After completing all tasks, the child will be able to use the basic colors for getting three additional shades and have six colors in the palette.

Give your “little genius” a chance to stay a little as Harry Potter and plunge into the magic color’s world!

Sincerely yours
Anri Laran.

Free on 23rd - 27th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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