Hello my friends. My name is, Juddy. I would like to take you on a magical journey. You will be following me to the land of forgotten souls otherwise known as ‘college.’ During these years of higher education, I decided to test the limits of the human body by subjecting it to enormous amounts of alcoholic beverages. I was not alone during this time. I had an army of barbaric savages who fought with me on the battlefield multiple times. These intoxicated Neanderthals destroyed everything in their path while being perfectly content with their violent alcoholism.
Once you begin to follow our quest of alcoholic insanity, there is no turning back. You will be exposed to a plethora of dangerous situations involving: binge drinking, vomiting, illegal drugs, accidental bodily injuries and the police.
So please. Sit back, relax and prepare yourself for the true stories of a time where many bad decisions were made, lives were constantly at risk, and shots of liquor were being passed out like rubbers at the Olympics…
Welcome to, Comfortably Drunk
Morning Habits For Ultimate Happiness & Morning Habits For Ultimate Success
Mind Improvement for Beginners Series: Books 1-5
Slow Cooker: Low Carb & Ketogenic Diet
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