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Free on 23rd - 27th Dec 16
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The Bible contains many secrets hidden from us only because we haven’t delved into the real meaning of the Greek or Hebrew words. For over thirty years Kristina Kaine has researched the New Testament. She has unlocked part of the code that reveals an astounding story and Kristina tests this code repeatedly, as one should, and it stands up to the test.
She writes in a way that invites you to do the same.
Kristina does not claim to be the first person to discover this code; it has been known through the ages by small groups of people but kept secret until human consciousness has developed sufficiently to receive it. One sign that we are ready is the exodus from organised and orthodox religion. We are no longer willing to accept the superficial – and often completely wrong – ideas expressed from the pulpit. Much of what is said simply does not make sense; never mind those who admonish sinners and then perpetrate the greatest evil. The Greek word sin is harmartia which means to miss the mark. The archer does not give up because he does not hit the bulls-eye. Through missing the mark we are able to sharpen our aim.
This series “Who is Jesus : What is Christ?” examines the four Gospels in harmony tracing the life of the man Jesus as he prepares to take into himself a mighty being called Christ who has never experienced life in a human body. This fact alone changes the whole way we can understand the events presented by the four disciples; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Kristina says, “My approach is to place bible texts into the psychology of the human being. In this way, I bring a new understanding of who we are as beings walking this physical earth. I show how spiritual beings like angels and demons have their place in our lives. Above all, I like to show that there are many angles from which to view these texts, not just one; different perspectives reveal different things.”
This book was written as a series of weekly Reflections which can be used for meditation and contemplation to guide your own personal development. The stories told about the life of Jesus tell an inner story about our own consciousness.

Free on 23rd - 27th Dec 16
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