
Free on 26th - 27th Dec 13
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The Comic Books for Kids series offers Black Fury, the Wonder Horse, Issue 1, as its first book. This series aims at bringing good books for kids to read in a comic book form that makes the stories more fun and entertaining.

Most of us like to look at pictures as we read, and kids are no exception. That’s why comic books and comic strip books for kids are so popular.

These stories for kids have been chosen with great care. Many of today’s comics are violent and bloody. But the comics of yesteryear are kinder and gentler, while still sending good messages. For instance, Black Fury, the Wonder Horse, tells rousing tales of the magnificent horse who wanders the West using his strength, swiftness, and intelligence to help man and beast. Other short episodes are interspersed to show humor and loyalty and ideas that lead children to deeper thought.

Color has been enhanced, panels rearranged, and text redone to make this digital format into comics for kids that are easy to read and enjoy without having to constantly tap the screen.

Whether you’re looking for books for kids age 7 or 8 or younger that you can read to, or you want books for kids ages 9-12 that they can read themselves, you can’t go wrong with these comic style books for boys and girls. We will continue to issue new books on a regular basis that your children will fall in love with and be watching for. Get them started on the Comic Books for Kids series today!

Free on 26th - 27th Dec 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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