More than a century ago the great young spiritual Guru and reformer, Swami Vivekananda, who stunned the world with his mystic wisdom once said “If you give food to a poor person his hunger is satisfied temporarily because he is bound to be hungry again. If you give money to a needy person his problems are solved temporarily because he is bound to be in need eventually. But if you give knowledge and wisdom to anybody it will be a permanent help and remain with him for the rest of his life.” Knowledge and wisdom not only helps mankind sail through our organic life which is temporary but also help us transit smoothly into the next life, into another dimension of reality, that which is eternal. Knowledge and wisdom can be the greatest gift one can give to another. It is like giving tools to distressed people so that they can handle their suffering and work on their karma. Giving is serving, also karma yoga, helping other souls of the same origin sail through the collective human karma. No man can live as an island. Helping others is helping ourselves, because; unless we give back everything we can never achieve salvation. How can we only receive and not give? The very joy of unconditional giving kindles our hearts and burn negative karma, the primary cause of our sufferings.
In the last 3 years the world went through great turmoil and upheaval. Now a new growth is promised after a devastating storm. Vedic astrology had predicted the disturbances because of the transit of Saturn (the Judge) and Rahu (The ascending node of the moon) through the constellation of Libra (Justice). Lots of us have been punished for our overflowing negative karma and at the same time a few have reaped the fruits of their righteousness, patience and endurance. With exalted Jupiter having stepped into Cancer for a year it is time now to meditate and introspect so that we understand our purpose and vocation in life. A time to work on the excessive baggage of karma/sin we are shouldering. After all the social unrest and economic instability in the world many have been left in the dark compelled to seek answers for their insecurities, pain and sufferings.
What is Yoga? I believe 90% of students don’t know the true meaning and objectives of yoga. Especially in the case of urban and foreign students who follow it as a copyrighted fashion. It is so because of the vast difference in culture among various civilizations and at the same time strong conditionings through a few fundamentalist religious organizations. Surprisingly Sage Patanjali the father of modern yoga has not mentioned a single asana (Posture). He formulated Ashtanga Yoga or Raj Yoga in just 195 aphorisms. It is up to the students to decode this formula and find the answers.
This book is not meant for readers with severe conditionings, fundamentalism, egotism, skepticism and atheism. Nor is it meant for people who seek escape in flowery fiction, identifying themselves with the protagonist, succumbing to the author’s flattery. This science is meant for Souls who are suffering, physically or emotionally. This knowledge is meant for the relentless seekers of Truth with burning passion for right knowledge and wisdom. It is meant for the courageous few who are willing to plunge into the dangerous pursuit of salvation, willing to renounce if the need arises, trying and faltering, yet unrelenting.
Living amidst the tropical forests of the Western Ghats in India I believe have found my calling to write a new age book on Raj Yoga, the king of yoga, intended to help and serve the distressed victims of the recent global unrest. Meditation is categorized under Raj Yoga. I am happy that my decades of research on spirituality are finally helping a few distressed souls seeking remedies for their sufferings. The book consists of 7 chapters published in a series. Each volume is a key to unlock the mysteries of yogic science. Spirituality, yoga and meditation explained in simple
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