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Free on 23rd - 24th Apr 18
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New Release. The purpose of this book is to clearly present the key concepts and knowledge necessary to equip and raise an individual’s conscious awareness to a ‘transcendent’ level and, as a natural extension of that expanded awareness, the principles and techniques that can enable the attainment of true extrasensory and psychokinetic abilities.

In essence, this book is an exploration of knowledge in the original sense of a search for extraordinary personal power and the most profound wisdom and guidance in human affairs, all of which may be found, as the reader will learn, in understanding the natural workings of consciousness in the universe in which we find ourselves, and of which we are a part.

Consciousness is the mystery of mysteries. Consciousness is not simply what’s most directly known to us, it is the only thing directly known to us. Remarkable advancements in scientific research have provided new windows into questions of consciousness and its powers. Since the development of quantum mechanics in the first part of the 20th century, progress has been made to understand consciousness and its “paranormal” abilities on the basis of the concepts of quantum physics.

The quantum world builds the classical world. Everything in our classical, macroscopic world is composed of microscopic units of energy–the quanta–acting in unison. Consciousness and its various mental abilities are part of that quantum physical universe. Since consciousness arises at the quantum level, the features of quantum physics are involved in, and represent explanations for, all the countless paranormal phenomena that have been observed and described since the very threshold of history and which modern researchers consistently observe in experimental settings, including, e.g., telepathy and psychokinesis.

We recently revisited our well-received original volume, Mystic Wisdom of the Masters, with a view to issuing a new edition correcting any errors of omission, fact, or print. In that process we also compiled recent scientific research that illuminates and validates the material and its future potentials. This book, then, is the result of an ongoing process. It repeats and adds to concepts we have already expressed–our aim is not originality but inclusiveness; we offer a survey of human experience and scientific evidence, not simply a personal revelation. Here, as so often in the past, we must gratefully acknowledge the help and counsel given us by the remarkable individuals whose knowledge is illuminated in this book.

Author’s Note: “The esoteric knowledge and practices presented in this book are transcribed directly from the teachings of profoundly enlightened individuals, and clarified by the insights of many of the greatest scientific minds of our time. If studied with patience and fully integrated into your core belief system, this knowledge can lay the foundation necessary to enable you to acquire abilities that most people would say are unbelievable or even impossible. Yet nothing explained in this volume is supernatural or beyond the ability of a properly equipped individual. These abilities are not miracles. Quite the contrary. They do not require any capacities that are not inherent in the human species as a whole, if those capacities are properly recognized and developed.” –M.G. Hawking

2017 Release, 5 Sections, 24 Chapters, 38 Subsections, Kindle e-reader page count 309 (estimated, actual count varies with the reading device used). Includes information on current Quantum Models of Consciousness, relevant Features of Quantum Mechanics, Reference Citations, Associated Material Anthology, and a Suggested Reading list. For more information, please see the ‘Look Inside’ feature on this page. Thank you.

Library-Cataloging-Data: psi, psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, esoteric, paranormal studies, quantum physics, quantum consciousness</

Free on 23rd - 24th Apr 18
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