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Free on 23rd - 27th Jan 17
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Daily conversation & communciation

Words. Such a powerful weapon. May be used as a remedy, but as well they can cause enormous harm. In our every day life we meet people and we are having conversations so that it is pretty automatic for us, but what if I tell you that most of the time you are talking to someone, he or she is probably not even listening and not getting the point of what you are saying, it is mostly caused because we are used to use more words than we need to say and they need to hear, so they get easily lost or bored.

Mike Bray

An avid admirer of the human body and a careful observer of its multiple functions, observing reactions of different people during different conversations, founder of 7 techniques and tactics to get attention of your audience or someone who you are talking to, so that you can say more by saying less words.

Communication and Conversation, why should I learn about that?

Maybe you ask yourself, why should you buy THIS book when there are so many books about communciation tactics and small talks? Well, because most of the other books about this particular topic give you basically same informations that you can find elsewhere on the internet, which are only theories and hypothesis how it SHOULD work, but this one is fully supported by Mike himself, so you can find not only basic informations about communciation, but explained psychology tricks that you can easily include in your DAILY life.

What is the content of the book and for who do I recommend it?

Book is first of all fulfilled with real life situations so that you can include them into your daily lives. You will find out some refreshing informations about power of words and as mentioned in the subtitle, you will find here 7 techniques and tactics supported by real life experiences to communicate effectively with your boss, employees, friends etc.

There is no specific group of people that this book is made for. Even if you are self confident person that is used to talk to people every day, you can find new informations that you did not know about how to use your tongue more effectively in small talks or presentations. But first of all, this book is EXCELLENT if you lack self confidence and you are not sure how to start conversation without being creepy or awkward.

Summary of what you get by buying this book:

Power of wordsFactors of effective communicationConversation tips7 techniques and tactics to win small talksEveryday situations used as an explanationsBonus psychology tips

Still think that there is no difference between talking too much and not saying anything and talking effectively? Let me prove you are wrong, I guarantee you will not regret.

Free on 23rd - 27th Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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