Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Novel

Free on 17th Apr 18
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This joyful travel memoir by a couple well-beyond youth proves that age is no barrier to delicious fun, unexpected adventure, gentle wanderings and the dazzling beauty of lovely planet Earth.

Entertaining, informative, filled with wit and wonder, this day-by-day sightseeing memoir is an easy and enjoyable read.

When Al and Sunny Lockwood registered for a 12-day Mediterranean cruise, they envisioned wandering narrow stone streets in Venice, standing on the Acropolis watching morning sun paint its marble columns gold, listening to the Muslim call to prayer chanted from Turkish minarets.

Their travel experience surpassed by far their expectations.

Climb aboard Amsterdam canal boats to explore the city from its historic waterways.

Gaze across the red roofs of Venice from the city’s tallest structure: St. Mark’s Bell Tower.

Check out the the oldest neighborhood in Athens, and the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, and stunning Greek islands.

Sink your teeth into mouthwatering meals, and hold your breath while riding the rickety cliffside Acropolis lift.

Immerse yourself in the book’s beautiful photographs.

Although not a guide book, readers will find a banquet of digestible details on history and culture within this warm and personal travel tale.

Grab your reading glasses and come along for a trip you won’t forget.

Free on 17th Apr 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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