
Free on 22nd - 26th Apr 15
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The DASH Diet plan has been gaining popularity because of its claims to help lower high blood pressure in those who already have it and prevent the risks of developing high blood pressure in those who have the highest risk. One of the biggest focuses of this diet plan is to help the consumer reduce the amount of sodium that they are consuming. It does this by offering two options for dieting, one that reduces sodium intake to 2300 mg a day and one that reduces sodium to 1500 mg a day.

Other than just reducing your salt intake, the DASH Diet plan promotes eating two servings of dairy, four servings of nuts, five servings of fruits and vegetables, and six or more servings of whole grains each day. This, along with the different caloric plans allowed on the DASH Diet allows it to not only be good for your high blood pressure, but an effective way to lose weight as well.

This eBook is meant to provide you with some easy and tasty meals that you can enjoy while on the DASH Diet. It can often be difficult to determine the types of foods that you are allowed to consume on a new diet plan, but this eBook takes all of the guesswork out of everything. If you are worried about the food tasting bland and horrible because of the lack of salt, don’t. This book will provide you with delicious options for:

 Breakfasts

 Lunches

 Dinners

 Snacks

So try out the DASH Diet plan, and some of these tasty recipes, today!

Free on 22nd - 26th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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