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2017 CSPA Book of the Year Award Winner – Historical Fiction Category

Liberty comes with a price. Can a fledgling nation bear the cost?

British forces advance upon a struggling colonial army. The time of decision has come. Declare independence, or give up the fight. The weight of a nation rests on Samuel Adams’ shoulders as he joins the delegates of the Second Continental Congress. Can he raise the cause of Liberty above the fear of the King’s wrath in the hearts of his countrymen?
Three inspirational short stories follow Samuel Adams as he struggles through the events surrounding the Declaration of Independence in early America and evokes the Dawn of Liberty. If you love Christian historical fiction, you will love this collection.
Dawn of Liberty
Liberty hangs in the balance. With Pennsylvania’s vote divided, the declaration may not pass. Samuel Adams has two hours to convince the delegates to pass the document or the lives sacrificed for freedom will be worthless.
A Shot at Freedom
“The Regulars are coming!”

Samuel Adams is awakened by Revere’s cry of alarm. A large force of British soldiers are marching on Lexington to seize him and his compatriot, John Hancock. Adams and Hancock encourage the colonial militia to make a stand against the Regulars, but should they stay and join the fight, or escape to safety?
Travail of a Nation
Samuel Adams felt the weight of the nation resting on his shoulders as he and his cousin entered the Pennsylvania State House. If the declaration did not pass today, their chances at ever truly gaining independence were all but lost. The British forces bound to arrive in New York any day would crush their revolution if it was not bolstered by a formal declaration.
The “Travail Of A Nation” has begun…
“A slice of American history. Samuel Adams; the Declaration of Independence; a citizenry divided by principles; politics done dangerously; preconceived notions about nationhood disputed; and one man’s efforts to bring about the birth of a nation. These are only a few of the themes in this short story which every American History student in school should read. Well done Amber Schamel. A very worthwhile read.”
~C. Wessel, award winning author & reviewer
“These short stories are historical fiction at its finest. Amber Schamel recreates a slice of time in Samuel Adams’ life showing us his fervor for American independence from British rule. We get to see a glimpse of his faith, his family, and two of the opposition. I now feel like I know Samuel Adams as a real person, not just as a signer of the Declaration of Independence. History in a delightful-to-read form!”
Sandy S., author & reviewer
Amazon Categories:
*Inspirational Historical
*Colonial America Historical Fiction
*Historical Fiction American Revolution
*Revolutionary War Historical Fiction
*Historical Fiction Early American
*Christian Fiction Not Romance
*Christian Short Stories & Collections

Free on 8th - 12th Jul 17
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