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Free on 21st - 23rd Mar 15
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The town of Willow Tree has a secret …

The massive Weeping Willow towers over the landscape, its leafy tendrils an enormous canopy that shields the town and its residents from the outside world. It makes Willow Tree into a world all its own … and its residents into a family like no other.

Eunice Pembry ran the town like a loving matriarch … and like any mother, she sometimes had to discipline her children.

Colonel Davis loved only one thing more than the town of Willow Tree … and she made him do detestable things to prove that love.

Annabel Jeffers would make the ultimate sacrifice for the town … but there was always one more thing to give.

Jess Granger, stringer for the internet rag The Paranormal Investigator, would stumble onto their secret, and it would change her life … but not all change is good.

As high and as wide as the tree goes, the roots go even deeper, down into the soil of the 150 year old cemetery beneath. What it does down there is the real secret of Willow Tree.

It is a secret worth dying for … but will dying be enough?

From the sickly creative mind that brought you Viral House and The New Wizards!

Welcome to a zombie horror that’s out of this world!

Free on 21st - 23rd Mar 15
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"Given the lovely creepy concept, some stunning visuals, and good writing, this is definitely one horror readers should look up."

Reviewer: .

Readers expecting a traditional plot and story in Dead Willow will be disappointed: it is less a story than a collection of seperate plots, set pieces, and character studies. While the ostensible heroine and lead makes some very dodgy decisions towards the end, it is forgivable because she's not the main character, the main viewpoint character, or even the one we spend the most time with. This isn't the story of one person, it's a complex portrait of an entire town with its rivalries and conflicts, and a very dark secret at its core.

It is also delightfully creepy with some horrific visuals that will stay with you long after you have put the book down. The multiple threads mean the reader finds things out far ahead of the characters, so there are few real shocks, but suspense abounds and it performs the difficult task of keeping the reader hoping even when they can see how things will go from very early on. As a classic horror it does not have a good ending for anyone involved, which perhaps makes it a stronger book.

With secrets within secrets, a whole community rotten and rotting at its core, Dead Willow is disturbing and occasionally outright horrifying. Given the lovely creepy concept, some stunning visuals, and good writing, this is definitely one horror readers should look up.

Rating: 4

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rz3300 (16 October 2016)
Lovely and creepy and two things that I believe work well together, and the fact that you throw in some good writing and good visuals, and you have a good base recipe there for a winner. I am excited for this one, so thank you again.

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