
Free on 24th - 28th Sep 16
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In this book you will learn to teach your dog who the master is in the most healthy and gentle way

Dogs are much easier to train and educate when they have a leader to follow and this books teaches you how

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Jade Backer is from New Jersey, and has been a dog instructor for the last 20 years. Her teaching methods are based on a psychological approach that emphasis the importance of educating the owner as well as his dog. For a good bond and healthy relationship, master and dog must understand and respect each other. Through her books, Jade is able to share her passion and teach you the right method in the easiest and healthy way.

There are only a few things in life that are as strong as the bond between a dog and their owner. It is the raw, pure emotions that exist between them to immediately feel the imbalance when something just isn’t quite right.

For most people, the first response to any behavior problem is to immediately put something or someone else to blame. Many often put blame on the dog’s breed or the behavior of the entire family. But, in reality, how dogs behave is a reflection of us, the owner.

As dogs are naturally pack animals, how they behave and interact is almost entirely based on how they perceive the environment around them. Dogs don’t share emotions as humans do – they live by instinct. Those instincts develop over the course of time as to how to react to the behavior of their owners.

Don’t wait up, this book is at this price for a short time only

Free on 24th - 28th Sep 16
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