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Free on 22nd - 26th Mar 17
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Dive into the world of dolphins!

Dolphins are considered as some of the most interesting and majestic animals on earth.
Have you ever wondered what a dolphin’s life is like? What do they eat? How do they play in the water? Where do they live? How many kinds of dolphins are there?

Well, all these questions will be answered–and more!

Dolphins: Amazing Facts and Pictures for Children on These Wonderful Creatures (Amazing Creature Series) would tell you everything you need to know about dolphins!
From what dolphins are, to how they live, and to the fact that dolphins hold parties and help humans–you’ll find them all right here!
Some of the things you’ll learn about in this book include:

oWhat dolphins are;
oWhat dolphins eat;
oWhy dolphins are said to be among the most intelligent creatures on earth;
oHow a dolphin’s brain works;
oDifferences between male and female dolphins;
oHow many dolphins are there in a school;
oWhether or not dolphins have hair;
oHow mother dolphins interact with their babies;
oThe lifespan of dolphins;
oHow dolphins see and smell things;
oHow dolphins sleep;
oHow dolphins hunt, and who their predators are;
oHow dolphins work with humans, and;
oThe various types of dolphins and their characteristics;

And more fun facts about dolphins!

This book would definitely satisfy your curiosity and help you understand why dolphins are special–and what makes them different from other animals! Kids will surely enjoy the colorful and fascinating photographs, and would learn something about dolphins on each page of this book!
Understand dolphins’ lives even without going to sea–and impress your family and friends with what you’ll learn!

Read this book now and you’ll surely love dolphins even more!

Free on 22nd - 26th Mar 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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