The Squidies’ mammoth Dreadnought and its impenetrable armor turns the UN battlegroup at Sirius to a cloud of severed bulkheads and melting hulls. When a spybird sights that nightmare ship again at Altair, the Staas Privateer attack carrier Hardway is dispatched to hunt the marauder down. J. ‘Jordo’ Colt of the Lancers, the Staas Company Privateers’ 133rd Fighter Test Squadron, isn’t afraid of the aliens’ Dreadnought and its guns. Admiral Harry Cozen is what’s sure to get him and his pilots killed.
Admiral Cozen hatches a plan to send XO Ram Devlin to the hull of the Dreadnought with a platoon of Staas Company Marines in specialized boarding craft. The Squidies have never seen this trick before, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to work. While the battle with the alien Dreadnought rages, Jordo has to learn how to maximize his squadron’s chances of survival or none of them are going to make it.
After: The Shock (AFTER post-apocalyptic series, Book 1)
The Shattered Stars: Riding the Spear
Dreaming of Hope: A Star Marked Novella
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