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A tragic childhood left Ellie Coulter with a supernatural gift that tells her a person’s true intentions. But even that didn’t protect her from a cheating husband with his own self-destructive secrets. After finding the strength to leave, she retreats from the world to heal.

She’s drawn out of her protective shell when a friend insists on playing matchmaker. After some persistent coaxing, Ellie warms to the idea that she may have found a reason to let her walls down, and his name is David Mitchell.

With things looking up in the romance department, Ellie finds herself the caretaker of the Bradford mansion, an impressive home that is also rumored to be haunted. Curious about what happened to the mansion’s former owners, Ellie finds herself entangled in the events that happened over a hundred years ago.

Far too late, Ellie discovers that It’s all part of the trap with a link to her past that was set by a puppet master hiding in the shadows. And Ellie fell right into it.

The complete Shadows trilogy is available now:

Edge of Shadows (Shadows #1)

Shadows Deep (Shadows #2)

Veiled Shadows (Shadows #3)

Shadows Deep (Shadows #2)

Veiled Shadows (Shadows #3)

Free on 22nd - 24th Apr 24
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