Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 4th Feb 18
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Praise for Enchantment’s Reach, the series:

‘…magnificent…possibly one of the best fantasy books of its kind ever written. It’s just that deep, that soul-searching — that good.’ Micki Peluso, journalist, author

‘It just doesn’t get any better than this… simply great writing! If you are searching for a great read with a deeper meaning that will leave you in contemplative thought, then this is the book for you.’ Dennis Waller, author, consciousness researcher.

‘Expect to be enchanted by the story, by the characters, by the fluid narrative that transport you to another world and keep you captivated to the end…I suspect this book is parading as fantasy while introducing us to glimpses of another reality which few of us suspect, except in our subconscious, is much closer to the unseen world of the archetypes that give form to our perceived reality.’ Nano Daemon, author, consciousness researcher.

‘…encompasses an incredibly well built “intrication” of worlds that reflect the various layers of the subconscious and conscious mind… masterfully described…will keep you riveted to the page.’ Patricia De Hemricourt, journalist, author.

‘…will keep you turning the pages and keep you guessing…full of feuds, religious cults and mysterious danger. If you like fantasy novels full of excitement and plenty of intrigue then this one is for you.’ Caroline Gebbie, author.

‘I have read the entire 6 book series of Enchantment’s Reach… a true epic filled with mysteries and revelations, extending beyond the usual or ordinary but yet having an impacted lesson for present societies engulfed in turmoil, all with a narrative power that will charm the reader, holding them spellbound from beginning to end.’ Caleb Jorge, author.

Enchantment’s Reach is a breathtaking, intricately-woven saga of conflict, mystery, intrigue, magic and betrayal in a world where the fabulous and unexpected are the norm.

The small kingdom of Enchantment’s Reach lies close to the mysterious land of Enchantment from where strange energies seep, borne on unnatural breezes. Untamed magic resides in the air, in the land itself, and sometimes deep within the minds of its inhabitants.

In a time of immense tension, Enchantment’s Reach is being torn apart from both inside and out. The Karai, an enigmatic warrior race not wholly human, muster an army close upon the border. The Karai are in league, it appears, with powerful entities who dwell within Enchantment itself, commanding advanced technologies and commonly held to have the powers of deities. Yet neither the Karai nor these godlike beings of Enchantment have been known before to interfere directly in the affairs of lesser creatures.

What do they seek from the Reach?

Further perils beset the small kingdom and threaten its King, Leth, his young queen, Issul, and the people of the Reach. Ancient religious factions are resurgent, fanatical cults revive old feuds and rise to overthrow the realm. And somewhere deep within Enchantment’s Reach itself a mysterious creature appears, an incredibly ancient inhabitant of some other dimension, seeming secretly to wield unusual influence over King Leth.

Ahead lie treacherous intrigues both human and otherworldly, and a desperate quest into lands of warring gods, into dimensions previously uncontacted, and into the depths of unconscious creation in search of keys to mysteries dark, enigmatic and profound.

Brimming with secrets and revelations, Enchantment’s Reach is an inquiry deep into mysteries of existence, the nature of experience and knowledge, of belief, desire and treachery, and of jealous ‘gods’ and scheming humans, all with a narrative power that will hold the reader enthralled from beginning to end.

Cover: Alexia Dima, Michail Antonellos

Free on 4th Feb 18
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