
Free on 28th Aug 13 - 1st Sep 13
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Pages: 221

There was no God, no justice. But there was such a thing as hell, and he was living in it. You should have taken the money. He couldn’t breathe. He slid down the wall and started to sob.

Why didn’t you take the money? Hong Kong, 1992. Ruby Wen is in big trouble. She has stolen a heroin shipment thinking she can sell it to a Mafia connection in California. Now someone’s cheated her out of it. She owes money all over town to the worst kind of people. The man she stole from is Red Pole of one of Hong Kong’s most notorious triads. Thinking a rival triad stole the heroin he takes it to the streets. Inspector Madeleine Lacey barely has time to count the bodies. But when a British backpacker gets caught in the crossfire, she draws a line in the sand. She just wished the DEA liaison officer would get out of her face and let her do her job. And what was it he was trying to hide? As Hong Kong races towards an uncertain future and a Chinese takeover, its underbelly is brutally exposed in a novel of romance and violence where nothing is what it seems and everyone has a secret to hide. This is the fourth book in The Opium series, described by one critic as ‘James Clavell meets The Godfather.’ It charts the story of the drug trade in Indochina, from sacks thrown in the back of tiny planes in the nineteen sixties to the multimillion dollar international industry that soon became the plague of the western world.

Free on 28th Aug 13 - 1st Sep 13
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