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Mouse and Mouser

English Folktale

It is easy to understand fairy tale for little children.

Free on 2nd Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


"this is a short, script, format ebook to read with children or to them, rather than a book for them to read themselves."

Reviewer: .

Mouse and Mouser is a short, rhyming, exchange spoken between cat and mouse with each line ending with the same words, "Good body" and "Good Lady" as many traditional folktales did.

This is a very short book without illustrations, with type that shows as large on my Kindle. It seems to be designed more to be read to children than read by them, and I could easily imagine a class of young children chiming in on the last words of each line. It could just as easily be converted to a school play, since it is here in script format.

There are no typos or grammar errors in the text itself but instead of after matter linking to other books or an author page there is no indication the story has ended just a single line of very small test right after the last line of the story with this exact content: “You can find more our interesting books by putting in on Amazon’s search:”

It is not just after-matter missing either, there’s no front matter with date or publication details, no author just “Fairy tale” and no credit or publication details.

Overall, this is a short, script, format ebook which is something to read with children or to them, rather than something that could be given to them to read themselves.

However the reason it gets such a low rating is that it is a traditional fairytale available free online in many places: e.g. http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/cat.html. If you can get it free, it might be useful as I mentioned above, but I would not suggest paying for it.

Rating: 2

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Demi (28 August 2017)
I have been looking for a book to read to my little cousin (he's not able to read himself) so I think that this would be a good choice. I'll check it out.

natalie (17 October 2017)
That's an interesting format for a fairytale. I think that you're right, it could be really handy in a classroom setting, however I just don't think it'd be all that engaging to simply read to a child. I know I always enjoyed pictures when I was little at least.

Donna (19 October 2017)
After reading the first few lines, it sounds intriguing. I think it would appeal better to smaller children with some visuals. If you only had a stuffed cat and mouse, the words would be more real and they would love to chime in on the ending "My Lady, My Lady."

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