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Feeding Toddlers. A Pediatirician’s Guide to Happy and Healthy Mealtimes.

Are you struggling to feed your toddler a healthy diet? Are meal times stressful and noisy? Does your toddler refuse to eat healthy foods and nag for cookies and treats?

This book is about feeding toddlers, whether they are picky toddlers, fussy toddlers or “normal eating toddlers”.

This simple and amazing book will show you all the secrets you need to teach your toddlers healthy eating habits and restore peace and calm to the dinner table.

It is tough being a parent, especially a parent of noisy and boisterous toddlers. Doesn’t that describe all toddlers? It’s so easy to cave in and give them the same foods everyday. The same, not-so-very-healthy foods everyday. Anything for a quiet life.

But you want your kids to grow up to be healthy, fit adultsand you know that the key is healthy eating.

Feeding Toddlers will show you how to feed your toddlers (picky, fussy or otherwise) a healthy diet in such a way that they will learn to love healthy food and develop healthy eating habits. You will learn the stress free way to toddler eating, to bring happiness to your mealtimes.




The Problems with Toddlers. A brief look at why toddlers are so challenging in general and especially when it come to eating.

Let Go of the Stress. How parents can learn to relax when it comes to feeding their toddlers.

What is Healthy Eating? An overview of what foods you should be feeding your toddler, including how much milk they need.

Your Healthy Eating Routine. How to present food and structure your day to teach your toddlers to eat healthy foods.

Some Other Bits and Bobs. Other tips to help teach your kids healthy eating habits.

Cooking Tips*How to provide healthy food with the least amount of effort.

Some Really Easy Recipes. A few awesome and really easy recipes that will help you provide healthy food for your toddlers.

Follow the advice in this book and you will be amazed to see your toddler developing healthy eating habits.

What’s stopping you from teaching your kids to be healthy eaters?

Eating habits develop under the age of 3 so now is the ideal time to teach your kids to love and choose healthy food so that they can grow into healthy adults.

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Free on 30th May 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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