
Free on 19th - 23rd Mar 25
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Book 1 – Fitness Nutrition: The Ultimate Fitness Guide

Everyone knows how important it is to maintain a healthy physique. Often, achieving the ideal body requires you to lose weight and build lean muscle. But how do you do that? To become physically fit, you need to have the knowledge necessary to get you on your way and the motivation required to keep you going.

Don’t you wish that you can get your hands on an ultimate fitness guide so that you could start understanding your body’s needs, lose weight, and stay motivated?

Well, I’ve got good news for you. This book will teach you how your body works and what it needs to lose those extra pounds so that you could achieve and maintain a fit and toned physique.

Here’s what Book 1 of this bundle has in store for you:

Learn how your body uses calories and what role carbohydrates play in your weightDiscover which foods contain good fats and lean protein that could benefit your bodyDetermine what your meal frequency and caloric intake should beKnow which exercises you should do to get that toned and sculpted look


Alternative exercise optionsDelicious muscle-building recipesEffective natural supplements

You will never be able to get a fitness guide as comprehensive as this book anywhere else. With the knowledge you will gain from this book, you will be on your way to getting the amazing body that you want!

Book 2 – Strength Training: The Ultimate Guide to Strength Training

In a world that seems to be trending towards the extremes, it is always better to end up on the positive side of the spectrum. This means bigger, higher, and yes, stronger, are always better.

It’s no secret that building muscle and increasing strength have a significant impact on how your body looks and feels.

Strength is always something to aspire to. And of course, a sculpted physique is always an asset, but more than the toned body and the bragging rights that come with it, having gains in strength will help you in so many more ways in your daily life.

Imagine having the stamina to play with your kids, running up the stairs without getting out of breath, lifting all your bags of groceries at the same time instead of making several trips to the car, and much more. The benefits are endless, and it is possible for you to gain all of these!

This book has you covered…

All the answers and all the information you need to help you maximize your strength gains are here. Book 2 of this bundle will teach you:

What you need to do to reach your potential strength and muscle mass gainsWhich exercises will best help you achieve your goalsThe best strength training programs for new and intermediate liftersThe ultimate workouts to improve your chest, back, shoulders and legsAnd so much more!

So what are you waiting for?

If you want to know the right lifts and best strength training programs to follow…

And are truly serious about building lean muscle and are prepared to make the commitment – then I think you should read this book.

The time to start is NOW!

Free on 19th - 23rd Mar 25
View on Amazon.co.uk


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