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In the tatted lace of legend, there were Five Creators:

The Tree: Ammon of Rozan-Steading

The Pillar: Jaydren of Stones Fist

The Keeper: Soline the Water-witch

The Weaver: Revaya the would-be Queen

The Blaze: Vael, the Betrayer

Ammon of Rozan-Steading exists to bring change.

While serving as a Guard at the Fortress, he met the other four Creators and hopes to free them.

Jaydren of Stones Fist was forced to kill his family.

He has plans to escape, but can’t do it alone.

Soline doesn’t remember where she came from.

When she was three, her world was colored by pain that never ended. Her goal: return to the sea, no matter the cost.

Revaya was told she would be Queen someday,

but only after a journey she’d never take by herself.

Vael was carried to the Fortress by harpies,

monstrous winged creatures that abduct those with ‘talent’.

He plans to burn whatever stands in his way.

These Five are already legends.

Inside them, their power is rising.

This Kindle ebook Epic Fantasy Series is recommended for everyone that loves magic or magic Sagas, Sword & Sorcery, heroes, legendary feats, incredible danger, romance, suspense, action, and adventure.

Chest of Souls Epic Fantasy Series

Book 1: Chest of Souls

Book 2: Lend Me Your Mind

Book 3: Aftermath

Book 4: Sacrifice of Souls

Book 5: Traps

Book 6: Stone Dreams

Book 7: Destiny of Souls

Book 8: Storm

Book 9: Walking with Lightning

Prequels to Chest of Souls Epic Fantasy Series

Prequel 1: Five: The Power Rising

Prequel 2: Fathoms Deep

Prequel 3: Said In Stone

Prequel 4: Winds of Change

Prequel 5: Up in Flames


5 Blanks

Pic Jump


Hallows Gate

House of Cards Book 1 (coming soon)

Free on 13th Apr 18
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