
Free on 28th - 30th Jul 17
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Are you able to pick the day when your life changed forever? Perhaps it was the day you met your spouse or the day you didn’t buckle your seat belt because you were just going down to the corner gas station. Maybe it was the day you thought it was time to start a family, or when you replied to a text while you were driving. Did your life change because you missed the opportunity to say your final goodbyes to a dying loved one or was it that rainy night when you punched the gas pedal in your car to speed through a yellow traffic light?

All of the above scenarios involve making decisions. In many cases, we have time to ponder over what decisions we will make; however, we also find ourselves every day making split second decisions. These snap decisions are the ones that can have the biggest impact on our lives both in a positive or a negative way.

I also acknowledge that we live in a cold random universe in which each one of us lives in a sea of variables. Seldom do we know what tomorrow will bring our way. As we wake up, perhaps the new day will marinate our lives in happiness, joy, anger, hurt, confusion, fear, or maybe a feeling of being melancholy. Most days will be a combination of the above.

Taking away this randomness brings us back to the decisions we make that impacts our lives and even the lives of the ones we love and hold dear to our hearts. The split-second decisions we make can change our lives forever. That happened numerous times at an old hotel in South Florida. The Palm Tree Inn is a beautiful and charming hotel that was built in 1923. Recently there have been several unexplained disappearances of some of the hotel’s guests. What caused these people to vanish without a trace? Where did they go? How did their families deal with these painful circumstances?

All that it takes to start the domino effect in the story is making a wrong snap decision, a hotel elevator, a spooky hotel floor that hasn’t been used for years, and an old exit stairway that leads to more than the outside. A teenager and her younger sister uncover clues that tie everything together, preventing the needless loss of life at the hotel. Their actions are amusing, unforeseeable, and even change the course of history.

The intriguing story, with its compelling characters, has enough mystery and suspense to keep you turning the pages. The twists and turns in the book will make you think beyond the boundaries set by our minds. Everyone enjoys a little mystery in life so let your imagination be captivated while you take an unpredictable journey into the unknown. You will be laughing in one chapter and crying in the next. The guests at the Palm Tree Inn who made the wrong decision of stepping onto floor 6R know what day their life changed forever.

Free on 28th - 30th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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