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Free on 11th - 14th Mar 15
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This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to develop a positive relationship with food, and in turn reach a healthy weight while enjoying your food and your life.

Imagine a life full of health, energy, joy, confidence, healthy brain function, positive moods, healthy sex drive, beautiful radiant skin, and most of all- freedom and joy every time you eat.

What is your relationship with food like? We all have one and it’s either good or bad. Do you feel guilty when you eat the “wrong” foods? Does it seem like every food is “wrong”? Just when you think you’re making progress, a new diet fad hits, and everything you’ve been doing has been “scientifically proven” to be wrong! Then you throw in the towel and go back to lover boy Russell Stover. I know. I’ve been there.

Food is a gift and is intended to nourish us and give us the energy we need to live a full life. Yet, in our culture, food has become something entirely different. We must learn how to get back to the basics and enjoy the part of your life you experience three times a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year. It’s time to unveil myths, breakdown misinformed mindsets, and start living freely! No more guilt, shame or hopeless cycles of low fat, low carb, low calorie. Let’s get real!

This is a simple, bottom line approach to discovering and developing a positive relationship with food. I have kept it simple and short to provide you with a straight forward action plan to a life of Food Freedom.

These things are possible. I am here to show you the strategies my clients and I use everyday to achieve Food Freedom.

Free on 11th - 14th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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