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How a teenager, a rabbi, and a nobleman overcame persecution, plight, and the powers that be throughout the complex history of the Jewish people.

A masterpiece in three parts:

nobleman Zabir Ben Bata witnesses the rise of Muhammad, a preacher who proclaims the new religion of Islam. Having fled Mecca and taken to the desert to preach, this enigmatic man has delivered upon Zabir and the Jews of Arabia a difficult and unequivocal demand: acknowledge Muhammad as their prophet, or else…

Rabbi Aharon and the Jewish residents of the fortress city of Tulczyn, are betrayed by their Polish neighbors and left at the mercy of the Cossack invaders, the Jewish community must make an impossible decision — and seal the fate of their beloved community.

TeenagerJacob Lipschitz is a single story in the sea of slaughter and suffering that drowned the Warsaw Ghetto in early 1940’s Poland. His tale of struggle and survival paint a vivid and haunting portrait of the plight of the Jews and the horrors they faced throughout the Holocaust in Europe.

Shlomo Kalo, thinker, novelist and Nobel Prize nominee, delivers a stark and historically significant look into the struggles and resilience of the Jewish people. The inclusion of true, fateful events allow humane lessons to be drawn from these masterfully written accounts.

Scroll up and grab a copy today!

Free on 21st Nov 16
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